
Kan lebih mahal nilai air mata itu kalau jatuhnya diatas tikar sejadah,apa guna dihabiskan airmata pada si dia yang telah pergi meninggalkan ku,sedangkan kasihnya Allah tak pernah pergi jauh dariku,aku bersyukur atas segala rahmat Mu,semoga dipermudahkan segala urusanku...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Its euro 2008!!

hey there...ha3...its been long time since my last post...so I decided 2 write abit tonight..huhu...hurm..what a usual night...nothing 2 do..moreover 2 night i'm not in da mood 2 study...but luckily the best part about tonight I can watch euro 2008 cause tomorow is holiday..ha3..its not about I can or can't stay up 2 da morning,but in case if its a school day,I'll will be sleeping in da class..ha3..If that happen I could not concentrate with the teacher's lesson..what a waste cause i will be left behind cause there were so many topic 2 cover..so every second count..huhu xDD.. wee~..tonight match will b turki vs corotia...ha3..i guest I like them both..but without present of many turki star n lead keepers...i guest the luck will b on corotia side..huhu..actualy who ever win is not a deal cause i support them both...huhu

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