Yeah..its the orentation week..huh!!..a week full of bored activities and tiredness!!...waa~..such a nightmare!!that's all that I could remember..I never thought that its could be this hard because I never been 2 any orentation day...its not like its was hard as soldier training but the time scedule is very2 packed!!...I just sleep 4 about 4 to 3 hour per day in that's full week!!..wuwu...every day we had to wake up early about 5 a.m because we had to que up to use the bathroom to take the morning shower!! first Its may be odd 2 me because I'm not from boarding school..huhu,but now its became my daily rutine..huhu ^^...then at 5.30 a.m we had a road call to check if all people were enough n none of we were miss n try 2 skip..huhu..and if somebody late,they will be punished..huhu..I had once..huhu..luckily just had to do a few push up that's not a big problem 4 me..huhu :P..but sometimes the others people had 2 sang a song like that..ha3 xD..luckily I havent had once..huhu..then we all would walk together in line to the pusat islam(mosque) to pray solat subuh berjemaah(ne satu2 nya activiti yg aku sokong 100% dan bagus la sbub aku tawu..sesetengah dari dak2 neh bknye jage smayang pun,jemaah jauh sekali la..jadi bgus la jgak kot2 depa insaf n terbuka hati nk berubah ka..huhu ^^)..after had finished the pray we had a kuliah subuh(baguih gak..aku pun dah lama x dqaq kuliah subuh..dok bangun pun dah lewat dah,slalu kul 6.45 ke 7 bru nk smayang..ish2..insaf sket aku dok dqaq kuliah 2)..huhu..actualy the All the kuliah on this orentation week is mainly about the priority of solat to us(like its rukun islam yg ke-2 tu,name pun rukun islam kan..klo x buat 2 layak ke kite gelar diri kite ne orang islam???..hurm..sme2 fikirkan lah,lae satu solat yang sempurna dapat mencegah diri kita daripada melakukan kemungkaran,pas 2 solat ne suruhan Allah,berani ke kite kufur n lawan suruhan pencipta kita?? bola,men game,dok merapu sampai berejam2 boleh plak,x msj awek sari x bleh duduk tpi ble tang nk solat lupa,nak habiskan masa untuk menunaikan kewajipan kita sebagai hamba Allah lebih kurang 5 minit setiap waktu pun x boleh ke??..susa sgt ke lepas semua rahmat yg Allah beri utk kita,sihat,bleh sambung blaja,cukup makan minum??..)...its some of the good contence that I pick along All the kuliah..(its not like I'm perfect n were good enough tapi kita kan sama2 bleh amik iktibar dan pengajaran daripadanya dan boleh cuba berubah dan memperbaiki diri kearah kebaikan dari hari ke hari??..sbub 2 la sngaja aku selitkan kat sini sket,aku pun nk gak tgok membe2 aku berubah,bleh gak pahala kat aku)..huhu ^^...then after that we had breakfest..then ground activity on the evening n on the night we had some ceramah...that activities goes aroud every day in that week..huhu
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